The Longevity Panel Discusses: Unlocking Secrets to Reverse Aging

Part 1
Long vid. Commentary with a slight annotation. Some of the things I found interesting: we need to use human data, not mice. The attitude of the people towards life extension needs to change dramatically soon. This group has human data and they have released, are following, and will release some soon. Sinclair believes he will be able to start primate tests this year. Everyone is positive.

A few weeks ago, Avi Roy, along with Nathan Cheng and Laura Minquini hosted the Longevity Panel Discussion, which brought together some of the most prominent scientists currently working in the field to reverse aging.

The purpose of this discussion was to learn how people are approaching long-term health and to see if we’re any closer to achieving it.

The presentation was divided into two parts: the first section consisted of an open discussion, guided by the questions of the hosts. The audience was invited to ask questions. The first part of the Longevity Panel will be the transcript. Enjoy!

You can check out the full transcript, with addition links on the Gowing Life website:…ng-part-1/

What are the questions?
How will you reverse aging?

What are the most promising methods to measure biological aging, and the effectiveness therapeutic interventions we’re developing to slow or reverse it?

28:28 — In the year 1969, gerontologist Alex Comfort proposed that, in 20 years, life expectancy could be increased to 120 years, and not just maximum lifespan. This didn’t occur because he is no longer with us. What will we do differently this time to try and get people interested in long-term living or to promise that it is imminent?



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