The Next Step in AI: Google DeepMind’s Gemini Algorithm

Google DeepMind’s Gemini Algorithm: Next-Level Artificial Intelligence?

Recent advances in AI have been astounding. It’s been a week since a new algorithm or application made headlines. OpenAI is the source of most of the hype. But their flagship algorithm GPT-4 was only completed recently, and according OpenAI CEO Sam Altman its successor GPT-5 hasn’t yet begun training.

Don’t bet against it. Sooner or later, a new AI model that is as good as GPT-4 (or better) may be released.

In an interview with Will Knight this week, Google DeepMind CEO Demis Hassabis revealed that their next big model is in development. \”A process that will take several months,\” Hassabis stated. Hassabis explained Gemini would be a mashup of AI’s biggest hits, including DeepMind AlphaGo which used reinforcement learning to defeat a Go champion in 2016, years ahead of experts’ expectations.


Here’s Why Google DeepMind’s Gemini Algorithm Could Be Next-Level AI


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