The Quest for Immortality: Transhumanism and Christianity in the 21st Century

The 21st Century way of life, death and immortality

The new article from the Republican Herald on #transhumanism and Palm Sunday:

Palm Sunday is the first day in Holy Week. This is a time of drama and excitement, but not tragedy. Christ will be crucified a few days after his triumphant entry into Jerusalem. He will rise again from the grave on Easter Sunday, the first of the new week.

Christians believe in the resurrection and proclaim on Easter, \”Oh Death, where is your sting?\” Where is the victory of death?

St. Paul wrote these words of faith and hope in his first epistle addressed to the Corinthians. In 2018, these words could be used as a rallying call by transhumanists who are life-extenders and atheists.

Death is their greatest enemy, because it is \”wrong.\” The title of the 2014 transhumanist book for children by Gennady Stolarova II is \”Death Is Wrong.\” In the book, the young protagonist tells his mother angrily that \”people shouldn’t die.\”



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