The Race to Outcompete Artificial Intelligence: Human brain cells in the Race for Organoid Intelligence

Organoid Intelligence may soon replace AI in our computers

Researchers at Johns Hopkins University, who have been fascinated by the recent advancements in artificial intelligence (AI), have discovered a new type of intelligence. They call it organoid Intelligence. The day when computers will be powered by lab-grown neurons is closer than anyone could have ever imagined.

What is an Organoid? Organoids are tissue cultures that are commonly made from human pluripotent cells. What appears to be a bunch of cells, can be engineered so that it functions like an organ, mirroring the key structural and biochemical characteristics. Organoids can self-organize under the right conditions in the laboratory, using genetic instructions from stem cells donated by donors.

While this may seem like science fiction, brain organoids are used to study and model neurodegenerative disorders for almost a decade. Recent studies have revealed that these lab-grown brain cells are capable of learning. A Melbourne-based research team recently announced that it had trained 800,000 cells of the brain to play Pong on a computer (see video). Researchers speculate that as this research field continues to grow, this \”intelligence in dish\” could be able outcompete artificial intelligent.



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