The Search for Immortality – How Close Are We to Eternal Life

How close are we to achieving immortality?

The average lifespan of humans has dramatically increased over the last 100 years thanks to the exponential advances in science and technology. Humans have been searching for immortality since the dawn of time. While it is possible to live up to 80, 90 or even 100, this has not yet happened.

Scientists have identified four major issues that need to be addressed in order to achieve immortality. Scientists have identified four key issues that must be overcome: telomere lengthening, chronological ageing, oxidative stresses, and glycation. Immortality may be within our grasp if these factors could be reduced or eliminated. There are promising technologies that can prolong human life and eventually lead to immortality.

Although it is a scary concept, studies have shown that blood transfusions can increase the lifespan of humans by 10-20. Scientists found that the protein GDF11 was very common in young mice’s blood. It has also been shown to increase heart strength and skeletal muscle. This protein is believed to have anti-aging qualities, which makes it a promising tool for extending the lifespan of humans.


How Close are We to Achieving Immortality?


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