Think Inc.

Think Inc.
This is part of an interview that you can listen to in full or watch in sections. It is only available on YouTube as audio.

Imagine we can reverse the aging process. What would be the best time to reverse aging?

David Sinclair and Adam Spencer tackle the tough questions surrounding aging. They discuss how we could turn back the biological time, how we would do it, and at what point in our lives should we push the reset button.

This is an excerpt from the Outside The Box Series, where David discussed how our understanding of ageing as a chronic disease is evolving. He also described some simple ways anyone can live a longer and healthier life.

Adam Spencer, a radio personality and Australian science communicator, hosted the event.

Think Inc. is an organization of individuals who are on a quest to reveal the true face and nature of modern society. We challenge the old-fashioned conventions of education by bringing global ideas to the forefront and opening minds.

We are not at the fringe. We’re trend-setters who have the power to change perceptions and the face of mainstream.



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