Title: Aubrey De Grey’s Aging & Gerontology Conference 2023: Reaching Longevity’s Escape Velocity

Aubrey De Grey, \”Aging and Gerontology in 2023: From Rejuvenation towards Longevity\”
Aubrey’s chart at 19:46 shows 150-year-olds and 1,000-year olds.

Sciinov Group, 6th edition: Aging & Gerontology.

Aubrey De Grey.
President and CSO of the LEV Foundation in USA
Title: From Rejuvenation and Longevity to Escape Velocity.

Sciinov Group, a specialist international event organizer, is also a provider of custom data intelligence databases and trends, as well as insights and solutions that address information challenges.

Sciinov’s goal is to help attendees benefit from networking with their peers and potential clients, as well as learning high-quality information from the speakers.

Our teams of experts deliver events and exhibits, create intelligence based products and services and data-driven service, gather communities in person or digitally, and provide cutting-edge research to clients in specialist markets around the world.



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