Title: Evolutionary perspectives on cancer: How evolution shapes cancer and how cancer shapes evolution

How cancer influences evolution and how evolution impacts cancer

Cancer could have a positive impact on evolution around 2011. It can make the immune system stronger. It is a symbiotic relation to evolve and become stronger with it.

Evolutionary theories can be used to understand cancer development on a species level as well as at cellular and tissue levels, and develop effective therapies. Animals have developed powerful tumor-suppressing mechanisms to help prevent the development of cancer. These mechanisms were originally necessary for the development of multicellular organisms and became more important with animals evolving large bodies and a long life. The evolution of our tissues was constrained by the desire to reduce cancer. The evolution of cancer within an individual mirrors that of species. Tumors are formed by the mutation and selection of cells within a tissue. Species develop by mutation and selectivity acting on individuals. At every stage of the multistage cancer development, from tumorgenesis to metastasis, mutation and selection processes are essential to its evolution. Cancer-related factors, including aging and carcinogens have been shown promote cancer evolution through both mutation and selection processes. Cancers may be able to evolve resistance to certain therapies. This can lead to the resurgence and refractory nature of their disease. Understanding cancer in an evolutionary context can help us better understand why cancers are more common among the elderly and why certain conditions such as radiation exposure or smoking are linked to increased cancer rates. The application of evolutionary theory in cancer treatment should lead to new strategies for better controlling this disease.

We assume that most people view evolutionary biology as an old science, with dusty fossils and grumpy professors studying them in dimly lit basements of museums. Right? Evolution is a separate field from biomedical and modern medicine. When the public draws a link between evolution and modern medicine, they usually use the example of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. What does evolution have in common with diseases like cancer, heart disease and obesity? These diseases are closely linked to our evolutionary history. Understanding evolution is crucial for treating, managing, and preventing these diseases (1,2). This review will be focusing on cancer. How evolutionary theories can help us understand cancer development both at the species level and at the cell and tissue level. We will also discuss how an evolutionary perspective can be used to prevent and treat cancer.

In almost all animals, aging is associated with a decline in the structure and function of tissues. This decline may be due to the absence of a selective pressure on tissues to maintain them beyond the age at which the animal is likely to contribute to the genetics of future generations. There is also little pressure on animals that are beyond reproductive age to reduce cancer. In the wild, mice are rarely older than one year. While they can live up to 2-4 years in a lab and develop cancer during their second or third year, in the field, the average lifespan of a mouse is 1-2 years. The majority of wild mice die from other causes such as hunger, cold, or disease, long before they reach the age at which cancer is likely to be the cause. Evolution has therefore favored the strategy of \”breeding early and breeding often\” for mice.



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