Robot skin heals
Robotic finger. The robotic finger. (c)2022 Takeuchi et al.
Researchers at the University of Tokyo combine their expertise in robotics and tissue culture to create a robotic finger that can be controlled. The living tissue is then applied on top of it. Living cells and organic material are grown on the robotic digit for optimal strength and shape. The finger’s skin is soft, and it can even heal by itself. It could be used in applications requiring a gentle touch while also being robust. The team hopes to incorporate other types of cells in future iterations to give devices the same ability to feel as we do.
Professor Shoji Takeuchi has been a pioneer of biohybrid robotics, which is the intersection of bioengineering and robotics. He explores artificial muscles, synthetic receptors for odor, lab-grown beef, and other things with researchers at the University of Tokyo. His latest creation was inspired by the medical research on skin damage, such as deep burns and wounds. It also aims to help advance manufacturing.