ToRC1 as a target to improve immune function and reduce infection rates in the elderly

TORC1 inhibition improves immune function in elderly and reduces infection

The aging process can be controlled by a set of intracellular protein including the mTOR kinase (mechanistic target of Rapamycin). mTOR is part of two multiprotein complexes, TORC1 and TORC2. Inhibition TORC1 extended life spans in all species studied so far and improved multiple age-related diseases, including declining immunity function. Mannick et al. Now, Mannick et al. have shown that low-dose TORC1 inhibition therapy in elderly people decreased the incidences of all infections and improved influenza vaccination response, as well as up-regulated antiviral immune responses. Targeting the TORC1 pathway, which regulates aging, may provide clinical benefits to elderly humans. These include improved immune function and reduced infection rates.

Model organisms that are treated with mTOR inhibitors have a longer life expectancy and improved immune function. This phase 2a, randomized, controlled clinical trial aimed to determine if low-dose mTOR inhibition therapy improved immune function and reduced infection rates among 264 elderly patients who were given study drugs for six weeks. Low-dose combination of a mTOR inhibitor (RAD001), which selectively inhibits the target of rapamycin (TORC1) downstream from mTOR, and a catalytic mTOR (BEZ235), was both safe and associated with a significant decrease (P = 0.001) in the rate at which elderly subjects reported infections for a full year following study drug initiation. We also observed an increase in antiviral gene transcription and an improved response to the influenza vaccine in this group.



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