Umbilical Plasma Injections: Reversing Biological Age in Humans

Umbilical plasma injections reduce biological age in humans

It’s not necessary to transfuse blood as in other plasma treatments.

Researchers found that intramuscular administration of plasma concentrate derived from umbilical blood cord improves various biomarkers for health and reduces biological age among elderly people [1].

Blood plasma transfusions are increasingly used to treat inflammatory conditions, as well as certain autoimmune and genetic disorders [2]. Plasma transfusion allows physicians to change the concentration of molecules that are interesting in the blood.

Michael Conboy and Irina Coboy have been experimenting with blood/plasma swapping in recent years [3]. In their ongoing research, they have shown that heterochronic parbiosis (blood transfusion between old and younger animals), plasma transfusion, and even the dilution or old plasma [4] can alleviate different aspects of aging.


Umbilical Plasma Injections Reduce Biological Age in Humans


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