Uncovering the Mystery of RNA Methylation: UChicago Scientists Reveal Key Role in Gene Expression

Scientists find that RNA’s \”joints\” play a key role in gene expression.

Scientists at the University of Chicago have found a new way to understand how genes function. The team led by Chuan She, UChicago John T. Wilson Distinguished Services Professor of Chemistry Biochemistry and Molecular Biology shed light on a puzzle that has been around for a while. It involves a way in which our genes are commonly modified, known as RNA methylation.

The findings, published in Science on Jan. 27, could have implications not only for gene therapy for diseases, but also for our understanding of gene expression, evolution, and development.

Since more than a century, Chuan He’s lab has focused on unraveling the mystery of RNA methylation. We are learning that this phenomenon plays a major role in our lives and bodies, from cancer to PTSD, to aging.



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