Unlocking Artificial Intelligence Potential to Discover Anti-Aging drugs that Target Zombie cells

Artificial intelligence can identify anti-aging drugs that target ‘zombie cells’

Researchers from Integrated Biosciences have published a new article in the May edition of Nature Aging. The company combines synthetic biology with machine learning to target aging. This publication demonstrates the power artificial intelligence (AI), which is used to discover novel senolytic molecules, a small molecule class that has been studied for its ability to suppress age related processes, such as fibrosis and inflammation.

The paper \”Discovering Small-Molecular Senolytics With Deep Neural Networks\” was written in collaboration with researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Broad Institute of MIT, Harvard and MIT. It describes the AI-guided screen of more than 800.000 compounds that revealed three drug candidates, with similar efficacy, and superior medicinal chemistry characteristics, than those of senolytics under investigation.

Felix Wong, Ph.D. is the co-founder and first author of this publication. He said, \”This research represents a significant milestone in both longevity research as well as the application of artificial intelligent to drug discovery.\” These data show that we can explore the chemical space in silico, and come up with multiple anti-aging compound candidates that are more likely in the clinic to be successful than even the most promising examples being studied.



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