Unlocking Fountain of Youth: a New Protein-Based Ageing Clock

New Aging Clock Based on Proteins in the Blood

Methylation clocks, while the most accurate way to determine a person’s ages, are also a bit mysterious. Statistics show that certain chromosomes are methylated or demethylated with age. However, we don’t always know the effect this has on gene expression.

The first clock based on blood proteins has been developed. It is as accurate as the best methylation timers. It is also less mysterious because it’s downstream from epigenetics. What can we infer from proteins that increase (or decrease) with ageing?

I have written about methylation clocks in many places [blog, blog post, journal article, etc.]. This technology allows us to quickly identify small age reversal success (not necessarily in an individual, but on average over a group of 50 to 100 subjects). We had to wait for a long time — often 10 years — to see if enough subjects died to be able to determine if the intervention was affecting life expectancy. This is the plan for the worthwhile but outrageously expensive TAME study promoted by Nir Bazilai.


New Aging Clock based on Proteins in the Blood


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