Unlocking Secrets: Investigating Mechanism of Action of Metformin within the Anti-Aging Paradigm

Metformin Mechanism of Action
I’m continuing my series of articles on topics that are hot in the anti-aging and longevity circles to help you understand the basics so you can make an informed decision rather than blindly following the crowd. This time, it’s about Metformin. It is widely used as a diabetic drug, and has been for many years. In fact, it is among the most prescribed medications. It has become a popular buzzword in the anti-aging/longevity community following a review of the data. How does it work and how can it increase longevity? Is it safe to use? If you’d like to know more about the topic, I’ve put together a short video that will help you better understand the situation. Have a wonderful day, whatever you do.

Metformin has become very popular as an anti-aging drug. Let’s take a closer look at it, see what it does, and understand the pros and cons… Because, well, you should always have all of the information.

This video will describe the history and mechanism of metformin before examining the benefits of its use in anti-aging supplements and its longevity.

Check out the video below to learn more about longevity and aging.

You can find the links to the articles and studies that were mentioned.

Metformin’s action is mediated by AMP-activated Protein Kinase.

Metformin is a Directly SIRT1-Activating Compound : Computational Modelling and Experimental Validation.



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