Unlocking Secrets of Our Aging Brains – A New Epigenetic clock

The human brain’s ageing process can be better understood with the help of a new ‘epigenetic clock’

Our circadian body clock determines the preferred rhythm for sleep and wakefulness. However, a relatively recent concept, called an epigenetic clock, could tell us how quickly we age and how susceptible we are to old age diseases.

Some people age faster than others, and some develop characteristics of aging as well as diseases earlier in their lives. Understanding this so-called \”biological age\” could help us better understand how to prevent diseases such as dementia. Epigenetic marks control how genes are turned on and off in different types of cells and tissues within the human body. These epigenetic markers, unlike our genetic code change over time. They can be used as a way to accurately predict biological ages from DNA samples.

Scientists at the University of Exeter developed a new epigenetic timer specifically for the brain. The new clock, which is based on human brain tissue, is more accurate than earlier versions that used blood samples or other tissues. Researchers hope their new clock published in Brain, funded by Alzheimer’s Society will give insight into the relationship between brain diseases like Alzheimer’s and other forms dementia.



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