Unlocking Secrets to Longer Life: Synergistic pathways identified to extend lifespan by up to 500 years in model organisms

Scientists identify pathways to extend lifespan

Scientists from MDI Biological Laboratory in collaboration with scientists at the Buck Institute for Research on Aging, located in Novato, Calif. and Nanjing University, in China, identified synergistic cellular pathway for longevity, which increases lifespan by fivefold in C. elegans. This nematode worm is used in aging research.

According to one scientist, the increase in life expectancy would be equivalent to a person living 400 or 500 more years.

The research is based on the discovery of the two major pathways that govern aging in C.elegans. This model for aging research is popular because C.elegans shares many genes with humans, and its short life span of three to four week allows scientists to assess the effects genetic and environmental interventions in order to extend healthy longevity.



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