Unlocking Senolytics Potential: A Primer for the Promising Anti-Ageing Therapy

What are Senolytics, and How Can They Help You?

We are pleased to present a guest post by Dr. Marion Tible. She is a scientist and an author at the blog Long Long Life, which focuses on aging research. The following is a brief introduction to senescent-cell-clearing therapy known as senolytics. These therapies are about to enter human clinical trials, and if they prove successful, could revolutionize the way we treat age-related illnesses.

What is senolytics?

Senolytics, discovered in 2015 by researchers from the Scripps Research Institute and Mayo Clinic in the United States are becoming a popular trend among the anti-aging industry. These drugs are promising in the fight against cell senescence – a hallmark of ageing.



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