Unlocking Super Long LifeSpans: The Road to a Superhuman future

Super long healthspans: in the Making
0:00 — Title.
0:35 — Into.
Super People of the Future – 1:15.
1:46 — Neal VanDeree ‘Living Long Healthy Lives Will be Possible’ — https://www.churchofperpetuallife.org/ — https://www.youtube.com/user/COPL18
3:24 — Dr. Bill Andrews ‘Super Wonderful Future’ — https://www.sierrasci.com/
6:27 — Selim Bakirci ‘1000 years long life’
6:58 — Rodrigo Guinea ‘Great Responsibility’ — https://www.linkedin.com/in/rodguinea/
9:22 — Significant Research.
9:40 — Significant Research — Liz Parrish — https://bioviva-science.com/
10:44 — Significant Research — Brent Nally — https://longevityplan.net/ — https://www.linkedin.com/in/brentnally/ — https://www.youtube.com/user/BrentAltonNally.
13:10 — Significant Research — Cain Hillier — https://www.linkedin.com/in/cain-hillier-50571a18a/
14:43 — Significant Research — Chris Curwen — https://www.linkedin.com/in/chris-curwen-67144b169/
17:16 — Threshold Times
Brent Nally, 18:41 The Threshold Times
21:35 — Chris Curwen, The Threshold Times
24:25 — Liz Parrish, The Threshold Times.
26:21 — The Threshold Times – Nicolas Chernavsky
https://www.linkedin.com/in/nicolas-chernavsky-25265835/ — https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUASjdn96BRlGVytmbDgRRA
Josh Martin, 27:00, The Threshold Times
Cain Hillier, 27:42 – The Threshold Times
28:50 — The Threshold Times — Vikram Pandya — https://www.linkedin.com/in/vikrampandya/
31:24 — Aging is a disease
32:49 — Aging is a disease — Neal VanDeree
34:09 — Aging is a disease — Dr. Bill Andrews
37:48 — Aging is a disease — Liz Parrish
39:28 — Aging is a disease — Brent Nally
Aaron King, 42:10 — Aging is a disease
44:44 — Ageing Is a Disease — Lukas Vismantas — https://www.linkedin.com/in/lukas-vismantas/?originalSubdomain=dk.
46:07 — Aging is a disease — Cain Hillier
48:02 — Aging is a disease — Chris Curwen
50:23 — Aging is a disease — Nicolas Chernavsky
52:49 – The Big Times
Bill Andrews, The Big Times 54:40
Liz Parrish, 56:52 – The Big Times
Brent Nally, The Big Times, 59:16
01:03:50 — The Big Times — Nicholas Mohnacky — https://www.bundleiq.com/ — https://www.linkedin.com/in/mohnacky/
01:05:00 — The Big Times — Bolek Kerous — https://www.linkedin.com/in/bolekkerous/ — https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSpv8MA3xPskco9qdIBeNuQ
01:08 — The Big Times — Nicolas Chernavsky
01:08:58 – The Big Times – Chris Curwen
The Big Times — Nicolas Chernavsky.
01:11:19 — The Big Times — Jeremy Rumble — https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeremy-rumble-42910b38/
01:12:22 — The Big Times — Jakub Czubak — https://www.linkedin.com/in/jakub-czubak-603624a9/
The Big Times — Josh Martin.
01:14.50 — The Big Times – Nicolas Chernavsky
Brent Nally, The Big Times, 01:20:15
01:22:09 — Ending.

We can state that if we exclude natural disasters such as an asteroid crashing into Earth or a volcanic eruption, improving the health of humans is the most important thing to think about and achieve on our path to become super cosmic humanity. Significant improvements in health will allow us to be free of all diseases, develop superhuman intelligence and let us fully realize ourselves. However intensively we focus on intelligence, it is not possible to experience its natural consequence or the next level of its advancement/evolution if there is no good health. Super health is necessary for a coherent and consistent collective experience of the mind continuum. Our bodies are short-timed and not strong enough to hold up the Earth-Gravity-Geometry sized/adjusted thoughts that are necessary to naturally manage and effectively inhabit our planet.

The lack of comfort in life and good health can make our lives seem episodic. Our intelligence does not directly affect the comfort we have on our planet as a result of centuries of technological development and evolution. The most important factor in human intelligence is health. It is difficult to build with great human intelligence when the nervous system wiring is weak. If we want to harness the great intelligence of humans to create a beautiful future, then we need to adjust our metabolisms, fix our cells, touch and manipulate DNA, improve our internal signaling and become super healthy. We can build the world’s first house based on super-long healthspans. I want to inspire people to act by giving them a vision of this new world.



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