Unlocking the code behind liver regrowth: New insights into regenerative medicine

Researchers reveal secrets of liver regeneration and regenerative medicine

Researchers at NYU Abu Dhabi have discovered a code which sets the genome for the liver, explaining its remarkable ability to regenerate. This discovery offers new insights into how specific genes that promote the regeneration of liver tissue can be activated. These findings could be used to develop a new regenerative medicine which would help mice and humans regrow non-regenerative tissues.

Humans, mice and other mammals cannot regenerate their liver unless they are injured or a part of it is removed. Researchers at NYUAD hypothesized the genes responsible for liver regeneration would be controlled via a code that activates them in response to an injury or resection. The epigenome is what they focus on, the DNA modifications that change gene expression rather than changing the genetic code.

The team of NYUAD scientists, led by Professor Kirsten Sadler-Edepli of Biology, used a mouse liver as a model to identify the elements of epigenetic codes present in quiescent cells, which are liver cells that do not replicate but can proliferate if the conditions are right. These elements activate specific genes for regeneration. The genes that control liver cell proliferation were silenced in livers not regenerating. However, the researchers found that these genes reside in regions of the genome that are normally active. The researchers found that these pro-regenerative genes were marked with a specific modification–H3K27me3. During regeneration, the H3K27me3 from these genes is depleted, allowing their dynamic expression, and driving proliferation.



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