Unlocking the power of genetically encoded barcodes for correlative volume electron microscopy

Barcodes with genetically encoded information for electron microscopy correlative volumes

I’d place Sigmund et al. One of my favorite papers I’ve read in this year is Sigmund et al. The researchers use protein engineering to create genetically-encoded nanocages that accumulate metals, and which appear as concentric rings when viewed under electron microscopy. By training a machine-learning model (a convolutional network) to recognize them and classify images, six distinct classes of \”EMcapsulins\”, could be distinguished. The fusion of fluorescent protein domains with the EMcapsulins allowed for correlative images between electron and fluorescence microscopes. The authors demonstrated 3D image of EMcapsulins using serial section transmission microscopy, focused ion-beam… More.

Brain imaging uses multiplexable barcodes to enable electron microscopy.



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