Unmasking The Intimate Relationship between Food and Genes : How What You Eat Can Reprogram Genome

The food you eat can alter your genetic code

Most people think of food in terms of calories, energy or sustenance. The latest research suggests that our genome is also affected by food. This is the blueprint of the human body that determines how it functions at the cellular level.

This communication between genes and food may impact your health, physiology, and longevity. Nutrigenomics is a new field that focuses on the idea that food can send important messages to the genome of an animal. It is still a young discipline, and there are many unanswered questions. Researchers have already learned a lot about the effects of food components on the genome.

I am a molecular biologist researching the interactions between food, genes, and brains to better understand the impact of food messages on our biology. Scientists’ efforts to understand this information transmission could lead to a healthier and happier life for us all one day. Has unmasked one very important fact until then: our relationship with food has a much closer connection than we thought.



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