Unprecedented response for NSW South-West Renewable Energy Zone Projects

NSW swamped

New South Wales received a massive response from developers interested in wind, solar, and storage projects. More than 34GW worth of proposals were submitted for the South-West Renewable Energy Zone. This is more than 10x its actual capacity.

In October and November, the state government, via its newly formed Energy Corporation of NSW (ECNSW), ran a process of registration of interests for the South-West region. This is one of five REZs that are planned to replace the aging coal fleet in the next decade.

James Hay, CEO of Energy Corp said that 49 registrations were made for potential generation and storage project totaling over 34 gigawatts – 13 times the capacity intended for the South-West REZ which is no less than 2,5 gigawatts.


NSW swamped by 34GW of wind, solar and storage for new renewable zone


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