Unraveling the Mechanisms of Ageing: How Professor Dr. Andrea B. Maier, MD, PhD Is Building A Clinically Credible Platform For Longevity Medicine

Prof. Dr. Andrea B. Maier — Building a Clinically Credible Longevity Platform
Building a Clinically Credible Framework for Longevity Medical — Prof. Dr. Andrea Maier MD PhD, National University of Singapore Centre for Healthy Longevity.

Professor Dr. Andrea B. Maier, MD, Ph.D., is the Oon Chiew Seng Professor in Medicine, Healthy Ageing and Dementia Research, and Co-Director of the Centre for Healthy Longevity, at the National University Of Singapore (https://discovery.nus.edu.sg/19564-andrea-britta-maier).

Professor Maier also holds professorship appointments at VU University Medical Centre — https://research.vu.nl/en/persons/andrea-maier, Amsterdam, Netherlands, and University of Melbourne (https://findanexpert.unimelb.edu.au/profile/773728-andrea-maier), Australia, as well as is Director of Medicine and Community Care at the Royal Melbourne Hospital, Australia.

Professor Maier was also President of Australia and New Zealand Society for Sarcopenia and Frailty, and Founding President for the Healthy Longevity Medicine Society – https://hlms.co/.

She is a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians. Professor Maier, who graduated in Medicine from the University of Lubeck in Germany in 2003 (MD), was registered in 2009 as a Specialist in Internal Medicine – Geriatrics in The Netherlands. In 2013, she was appointed full professor of Gerontology in Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam in The Netherlands where she served as the head of Gerontology in the Vrije Universiteit medical center from 2012 to 2016.

Professor Maier was the Divisional Director of Community Care and Medicine at the Royal Melbourne Hospital in Australia from 2016 until early 2021. He also served as Professor of Aged Care and Medicine at the University of Melbourne (Australia) during this time.

Professor Maier’s research is focused on unraveling mechanisms of ageing, and age-related illnesses. During the past 10 years, she has conducted numerous international observational cohorts studies and intervention trials. She has also published over 350 peer-reviewed journal articles. She has been a guest on numerous radio and TV programs to discuss aging research. She is also an invited member of many international academic and policy committees including the WHO. She is also a selected member of the Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities.



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