Unveiling First Robotic Bees: Steps towards Pollination Assistance

The first robotic bees to help pollinate crops are inside

Washington State University researchers have studied honeybee challenges for almost 20 years and believe that this year may be the worst for these important pollinators for decades.

They have also worked on creating robot bees that can help with pollination. Holly Quan, KCBS Radio’s Holly Quan, spoke to Ryan Bena about the project. Bena is a PhD student and co-author of this study at the University of Southern California.

He explained: \”We built this robot, it weighs 95 milligrams.\” It’s about the size of… a real insect bee. We use flapping wing. \”For flapping wings to control the bee and fly, you know fly through the air… What’s unique and kind of interesting about our robot is that finally we developed a way of coordinating the flapping of four wings so we can control bees in all directions.\”



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