Unveiling the Possibilities: Dr. Axel Montagne on Repairing the Blood-Brain Barrier to Combat Alzheimer’s and Dementia

Axel Montagne PhD on Blood-Brain Barrier Repair to Solve Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia
There is so much I didn’t know:

Dr. Axel Montagne, a fellow of the University of Edinburgh’s Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences and group leader of the UK Dementia Research Institute, is an expert in dementia research. His group is aiming to understand when and where the critical components of blood-brain barriers become dysfunctional prior to dementia and at the early stages of age-related cognition decline. They hope that by gaining this knowledge they can develop treatments to target brain vasculature in order to protect brain function.

His work and the work of his colleagues provide an important lens to see the contribution of vascular dysfunction, or, alternatively, vascular wellness – if you choose to preserve it – as a common thread to dementia and neurodegeneration.

Show notes and transcript: https://www.foundmyfitness.com/episodes/axel-montagne.
Montagne lab website: https://montagnelab.com/
Axel Montagne — Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=dRTfpRoAAAAJ
Twitter: @AxL_Montagne: https://twitter.com/AxL_Montagne.

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00:03 — What dementias share in common
00:04;22 — The importance to preserve small blood vessels in the brain
00:05.17 — The blood-brain barriers changes that occur with age and cause \”leaking\”.
00:06;50 — Early prediction of cognitive decline with biomarkers: an opportunity for early intervention?
Why amyloid-targeting is not enough.
00:10 — The impact on the brain vasculature of the APOE4 genotype.
The cause of brain white matter damage.
00:25.26 — How the loss of Omega-3 transport affects Pericytes.
00:27.04 — Exercise and the prevention of dysfunction of the blood-brain barriers.
00:27:25 — Why high heart rates during exercise preserve brain function.
Exercise is important for maintaining eye health.
00:31.56 — How leaky vessels can damage the myelin in the brain and cause it to deteriorate.
00:37.10 — Is it possible to have more than one form of dementia?
00:39.34 — Is type 3 diabetes caused by the breakdown of blood-brain barriers\”?
00:45.43 — Why Omega-3 could prevent the detachment from pericytes.
01:06,14 — A hepatitis-drug restored cognition to APOE4 mice.
01:11-19 — Why disruption of the blood-brain barriers results in amyloid beta accumulation.
01:16.54 – Why lifelong hypertension increases dementia risk.
01:28.53 — Effects on blood-brain barriers of obesity.

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