What are the current possibilities for a cure for aging?

What is the current state of our knowledge on aging?

On September 29, 12 AM – 2 PM CEST, there will be an event to support Lifespan.io.

One of the oldest dreams of mankind is to stop aging and its conditions. In some of our oldest myths, heroes are on a quest for a solution to keep the entire human race forever young. This is no longer a fantasy, thanks to the progress made in aging research. Researchers are conducting experiments in laboratories all over the world that demonstrate that medical intervention can be used to slow down aging and reverse some of its effects. Recent experiments on mice have shown that there are many ways to delay aging. The most promising treatments include the elimination of harmful cells called senescent, drugs which enhance metabolism, genetic therapies and cellular therapy, as well as calorie restriction. These treatments increase the healthy life span and as a pleasant side effect, extend the lifespan of mice by 25-30%. Some of these treatments are in clinical trials for humans and will be available on the market within 5-10 years.



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