Yann Lecun’s LLMs – A passing fad or the future of AI?

Facebook’s Chief Artificial Intelligence Scientist says LLMs are just a passing fad

Yann Lecun, Facebook’s AI expert and machine learning pioneer, is aiming to take on the artificial intelligence chatbot craze. But this may cause him conflict with his employer.

According to Fortune, Yann Lecun, Meta’s chief AI scientists admitted at a Paris talk this week that he is not a big fan of chatbots or the large language model (LLM) on which they are built.

He told the Meta Innovation Press Day audience that \”a lot of people imagine all sorts of catastrophe scenarios due to AI. This is because they are thinking about these auto-regressive LLMs which sometimes spew nonsense.\” \”They say that it is not safe. They’re right. It’s not. \”But it’s not the future.\”



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